Drillmec has built and supplied a considerable number of rigs for various desert regions worldwide. In fact, more than 150 rigs are operating in the MENA region alone. Through the years, Drillmec has extended the desert rigs capacities, models and designed in order to satisfy different needs and serve all the purposes. Yet, the land drilling rigs ranging from 1200hp to 3000hp are designed for exploration wheres the mobile drilling rigs handle shallow drilling and workover operations.
Land Drilling Rigs
The desert land rigs are designed to handle harsh desert environment while guaranteeing high performance in drilling and rig move thanks to various design for pad drilling, fast moving solutions and well selected material and OEM parts that guarantee high reliability and simple operations.

HH Series
Besides the conventional and land desert rigs, the Drillmec HH series are also recommended for desert conditions. In fact, the HH series were first tested in the desert of Egypt where the first prototype has been in operations for six years. Yet, the HH series can offer several advantages in rig moves, automation and medium drilling operations. a.

Mobile Drilling Rigs
The Drillmec mobile rigs are thought to be self-propelled or trailer mounted with all the necessary for workover and shallow drilling in order to guarantee fast moving and fast well interventions.